Three Unique Ways to Spend Time with God

Unique Ways to Spend Time with The Lord

   Many of us have seasons where time seems to ebb and flow. As summer comes to a close, and autumn pulls many of us into a season of business, the daily rhythms of spending time with the Lord can often times be put on the back burner. "I'll get to it later", most of us say. Most of the time, it truly is our intention to spend time with God.

   Yet the demands and responsibilities of life seem to often times pull us from every side, and once we have accomplished our daily tasks more often than not we can feel so exhausted and tired, that the idea of having to do one more thing, feels overwhelming.

   But what if we changed our viewpoint on the 24 hours we have in a day?

   What if, instead of looking at quiet time with God as another task to check off, we instead lean into grace and work alongside the Lord to use the time He has given us each day to steward, trusting that when we have a day where we don't accomplish this goal to the extent we want it, that God's grace will cover us and lead us into a more grace and faith filled approach. What if instead of viewing the tasks of our day that need to get done first in order to be able to sit down and have our quiet time, we instead view quiet time as what propels us towards the daily tasks we have been given and empowers us to walk in love while we do so.

   We have to be willing to admit that we struggle to put the Lord first before worldly things, and also understanding that it is by God's power that He will cause us by grace through faith to pursue Him if we take the steps towards intimacy with Him.

   So below, we have curated three attainable and realistic ways you can spend time in the presence of the Lord regardless of the business of the season you're in, and we pray these would be encouraging and helpful for you in setting aside time with the Lord.

  1. Listen to the audio bible and go on a walk

   Grab your shoes, a water bottle, and your's time to take the bible outside!

   Whether you're walking the kids to the park, on the treadmill, or walking around the grocery store, one way you can spend time with the Lord and become more familiar with His word is to listen to His word. This also gives you a wonderful reason to get some sunshine if you're choosing to walk outside.

   2.Create a Gratitude List

   God's word tells us to be thankful at all times, so why not journal about it? Wether you decide to write it down on a notepad, type it out on your phone, or designate a journal for a list of things you're grateful for each day, the intention behind this practice is to keep our hearts thankful of the many blessings and provisions God has given us, but also to focus our eyes on the goodness of God.

   It doesn't have to be fancy, simply write out a list of things you are thankful for...some examples are below:

  1. Food on the table
  2. Family
  3. Health
  4. God's goodness
  5. The plans God has for you
  6. Your finances

   3.Write a love letter to God

   Even if you have just a few minutes, take that time to grab a piece of paper and an envelope to write a love letter to God.

   This letter can talk about all the wonderful ways you have seen Him work in your life, His perfect nature, how he sees you, how you see Him, etc. Take this time to become vulnerable with the Lord and praise Him for His never-ending love and goodness.

   Once you're done, place it in your envelope and store it in a box so you can look back at all the letters you write to Him!

   Thank you for reading this weeks blog post! We pray this encouraged you in your faith and inspired you to pursue an intimate relationship with God, walking in grace and faith!

"Lord, I come into your throne room of grace boldly in Jesus' name and praise you for your perfect love. Lord, I confess that sometimes I have trouble stewarding the hours you have given me each day. I allow worldly pursuits and fears to get in the way of intimacy and time spent with you. I confess that I need help to be able to prioritize time with you, and trust that you will do just that. Thank you for your patience and gentleness.

In Jesus' name, amen."

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