God Can Handle Your Anger

Anger Against God

   A deep burning fills your chest, causing your senses to hum to life in a less than pleasant way. It crackles, pops, and demands to be released.


   We all have felt it. All experienced its rather sudden tendencies. Its building, its heaviness. Its demands for the wrongs that weigh heavy on our hearts to be made right. Anger is a natural reaction to many situations and circumstances. While there is a fine line that can become crossed and lead us into sin, anger in itself is something that should be confronted and felt, and then moved on from.

   But what happens, when our anger is brought forth from deep sorrow and pain? When the enemy spins our tragedy and heartbreak into something he uses to tear us down, while influencing us to build a wall of anger in order to cope with the pain and confusion before us?

   When your anger turns not only into ungodly anger and accusation towards others and your situation...but to God?

   Firstly, I want to address the fact that you are not alone. This is something I myself have been walking through recently. And as I sit down to write this, praying it would encourage you, I write also to myself as a reminder.

 Often times when we become angry at God, our instinct is to hide it from Him and try and convince ourselves that we aren't angry with Him. But this causes more problems and keeps us bound in a cycle of anger instead of moving past it. The longer we live in anger, the harder our hearts become, and the more access the enemy gets into our lives.

   The only way we can move forward from this anger, is to first take responsibility and admit to the fact that we are angry at God for whatever reason is weighing heavy on your heart. We must also understand that our anger does not spell out God's character, but admitting to our feelings and what is residing in our hearts (even if it feels wrong) is the first step in moving forward.

   After this, I believe it is important to come to terms with what exactly you're angry at Him for and asking the Lord to help you sort through those emotions and memories.

   Then, we must take responsibility for our anger and judgement against God's character and repent for participating in ungodly anger and in accusation, bitterness towards God, etc. Once we repent and ask for God's forgiveness, we must then accept God's forgiveness and forgive ourselves.

   We must come out of hiding and shame for feeling the way we feel. Not because it is right, but because God is big enough to hold our anger. He isn't an overly sensitive God, and He is patient with us in our hurt and confusion. God knows the human condition, and His grace is here to draw you closer to Him and heal. God already knows you are angry with Him. Which means there is no reason to try and hide it or manipulate yourself and lie to yourself, acting like you aren't feeling the way you're feeling.

   God's arms are strong enough for it all.

   The anger, the rage, the overwhelming feeling of it all not being fair. Not being right. And the desperate attempt to make sense of it all and protect our hurting hearts.

   He won't run away from you and your anger, or rain fire down on you for being upset with Him. But He also is a gentleman, and wont force His healing on you. When we stay in anger, the door opens for the enemy to work in our hearts and lives, and there can be consequences that come with remaining angry and bitter.

    To continue moving forward it is important to be aware of the fact that there is a spiritual realm which influences and causes us to feel and think certain things. Doing self-deliverance is important in sweeping the house clean and stewarding the authority God has given us over the kingdom of darkness. After that, we must be ready to resist the urge and temptation to fall back into our anger and accusation. We resist by taking our thoughts captive and holding them up to the word of God.

   If you find yourself in anger again with God, know that deliverance often isn't a one-time thing. Be diligent in seeking God's presence and taking authority over the kingdom of darkness if you feel like you have stepped back into anger and accusation.

   Below is a deliverance prayer you can pray over anger, feel free to save this prayer to come back to it in a time of need.
Deliverance prayer over spirits of Anger

"Heavenly Father, I come into your throne room of grace boldly in Jesus' name and thank you for your patience with me and my heavy heart. I praise you, for you are wonderful and glorious in all of Your ways. Lord, I confess that I have been struggling with ungodly anger towards___, as well as You. I repent and ask for forgiveness for participating in any and all spirits of anger, wrath, rage, hatred, accusation, bitterness, resentment, retaliation, shame, guilt, self-hate, facades, masks, walls, and survival tactics. I repent and ask for your forgiveness, I choose to accept your forgiveness and forgive myself. I take authority in Jesus' name, and I command any and all of these demonic spirits to leave me and any and all demonic assignments over my life to become null and void in Jesus' name! Thank you, Lord, for your goodness and your love. Thank you that you are patient and kind with me. Help me to trust you with my heart, and to remain in peace and joy.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen."
Thank you so much for joining us for this week's blog post. If you are in need of prayer, feel free to send a prayer request in our prayer tab. Don't forget to follow us on our social medias for more biblical content!


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