When Life Feels Too Heavy

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When Life Feels Too Heavy

   "It's too much."

   How often does that thought circulate in your mind?

   When trails and tribulations come barging in, with not so much as a polite knock, I think it's fair to say that the statement above is true. It is too much, too heavy, and exhausting.

   For us...but not for God.

    Over the last few months, me and my husband have been walking through a situation that has caused much pain and heartbreak for us, and the people around us. There have been many tears, sleepless nights, and crying out to God. Accompanied with the daily demands of life, it all feels like too much some days.

   So first, know that you aren't alone in feeling that way.

   Trials and tribulations are expected, but they are no easy matter to deal with. Especially when they touch places in our hearts that are unhealed. Parts of us we can't help but feel the need to hide from the world and guard with our lives. But it is these very parts the Lord wants to heal in you. While God doesn't want His beloved children to go through the things we go through, He does want to turn them around for our good and His glory.

   So how can we as followers of Christ, lean into this truth? Well, first we must understand that alone it is all too much. If we attempt to do it alone, and shut our hearts away, it will be too much. We must humble ourselves and trust that God won't just hold our hearts in the palm of His hand but steward them. To move forward, we must receive this promise...
   While your current circumstances might not be good, God is. He wont leave you here. He made a promise to you that He has good and wonderful plans for you. But He is a gentleman, and wont force you to seek Him out, trust Him, and receive these promises. So how can we diligently seek the Lord out and put our faith in Him?

   First, it is important for us to know and understand that we need to trust the Lord with our weaknesses. If we struggle to trust Him, we need to be honest with ourselves about it and ask the Lord to help us to put our trust in Him. If we struggle to want to get into God's word, then we need to ask Him to help us to have a hunger and thirst after His word. Humbling ourselves and asking God to help us with the things we find hard to commit to and struggle with.

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